
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Tuesday Running Man: Episode 174, The Number.

Lee Seung Gi, Han Hye Jin, and Bora (Sistar) are the guests for this week's episode of Running Man. The episode started from the introduction of the guests, and immediately after everyone's present, men in black held each of them and brought them to the flying chairs.

First, they had to pick, by drawing their names, the chronology of players who'll be sitting in the chair of doom while playing rock-paper-scissors. The person who loses will be sent flying into the pool. Lee Seung Gi and Jong Kook played first.

Jong Kook lost.

And so he was the first one who was sent into the pool in the morning. The losers will be brought some place else, of course after having them change their wet clothes.

The game will be an "all-kill" game wherein the last one who's sitting does not end up in the water will win. This time, the third one to be picked is Kwang Soo, and so he will challenge Seung Gi. When he went to the platform with the flying chairs, Kwang Soo fell on the gap, causing laughter.

Kwang Soo, being the trickster, already lost to Seung Gi, yet the staff also refused to consider it, that's why he ended up requesting for them to play mukjjibba (a different variation of rock-paper-scissors).

Kwang Soo wins because of the mukjjibba game, and Seung Gi was sent flying.

Kwang Soo then lost to Han Hye Jin, and kwang-toad comes back again.

The losers were sent to a different place, where they were stamped with the numbers 14357, and was asked to remember the numbers carefully.

The other members who lost in the flying chair game were sent to choose from the five doors and were asked to enter the rooms. A maximum of two people will be able to enter the room, and that's how the partners are decided.

Back to the swimming pool, Han Hye Jin was finally sent into the water by Ji Suk Jin.

These two were the last contenders, and both are too nervous to know the outcome of their rock-paper-scissors game and so they did it like that. With two draws, Haha finally won the third round.

Ji Suk Jin was then sent flying.

Here we see Haha hugging his coordinator (wardrobe) because he didn't get wet at all, and the coordi was spared from dealing with Haha's wet clothes.

Lee Seung Gi and Kwang Soo became partners.

Jong Kook and Bora.

Jong Kook may become the official new member of Sistar. Kidding.

Jae Suk and Han Hye Jin.

Monday Couple.

Haha and Ji Suk Jin.

Gary won third place in the flying chair game, and so he got a clue for the next location.

Haha got first place and Ji Suk Jin second, and so these two get the better clues leaving others with nothing but the things that they need to get to the locations like money and bus cards.

Haha and Ji Suk Jin got the clue "Bus Station" and "Station" and so they figured that the number corresponds to a certain bus station.

Jong Kook and Bora just went ahead and followed Haha and Suk Jin's taxi.

These people who don't have a clue where to go spent their time thinking about what the numbers 14357 mean.

They found a city hall where they can ask someone to look up the numbers 14357, and then found out that its a number of a bus station.

Gary and Ji Hyo had the clue "Bus" and so they initially figured that it was a bus number but then they saw the number of the bus station near their initial location and had a clue what those numbers are.

Gary then asked the information on which bus station has the 14357 number code. They then figured it out and headed to that location.

Ji Hyo saw oranges being sold and she bought some. A random ahjussi saw them and told them that they should get married already. Haha! Everyone approves of their "relationship."

These two, Seung Gi and Kwang Soo, also bought food for themselves while looking for the next location. They bought bungeoppang.

They asked some random civilian who's walking by to look up the location of the 14357 bus station, and then Kwang Soo gave him a bungeoppang for that.

Seung Gi pointed out that the bungeoppang that they gave the guy was the one that had the most red bean inside it and so Kwang Soo went back to get half of the bungeoppang.

Jaesuk-Hye Jin and Kwang Soo-Seung Gi team arrived just after the first two teams, Haha-Suk Jin and Jong Kook-Bora team left the 14-357 bus station to go to the next location.

The two teams rode the bus together to get to the next location.

Haha-Suk Jin and Jong Kook-Bora team arrived at the next location already were they had to guess the number of people who will get down from the bus at the bus stop. If they get it wrong, one has to squat and stand up five times while carrying the other.

Haha-Suk Jin were the first ones to win the game, and so they got the clue for the next location, which is Haha's restaurant. Immediately after Haha and Suk Jin won, Jong Kook and Bora also won.

The leading teams, Haha-Suk Jin and Jong Kook-Bora went ahead to Haha's restaurant. Jae Suk-Hye Jin and Seung Gi-Kwang Soo team arrived at the next location and took their guesses, which is 2-1 respectively.

Unfortunately, there were many people going down the bus because the Monday Couple team along with their staff members went down from the bus.

And so the Monday Couple joined the next round of guessing.

This time, Monday Couple won, getting ahead from the other teams and slightly catching up with the two leading teams.

In the next location, they have to eat hot potatoes within 1 minute.

The number of potatoes depended on the number they picked. Haha-Suk Jin team picked 5 potatoes.

Bora-Jong Kook team picked 7.

Both teams struggled in eating the really hot potatoes.

Seung Gi-Kwang Soo team won before Jae Suk-Hye Jin team, and went ahead to Haha's restaurant.

Monday couple also struggled in eating the really hot potatoes.

Finally, Jong Kook and Bora picked the number 1, and so they ate only one potato in 1 minute, helping them win the game first.

They received lunch money of 1,400 won for winning this game.

Everyone struggled in eating the hot potatoes..

And so lunch time came. Jae Suk-Hye Jin and Haha-Suk Jin ate together and interviewed Hye Jin about her newly married life, as well as about her husband, Ki Seung Yong.

While they were eating, and the others on the cab, it snowed. It was the first snowfall of the winter in Seoul, and everyone was feeling the spirit of the season.

Seung Gi, feeling the Christmas spirit, played the song "All I want for Christmas is you" by Mariah Carey.

These two sang the song, or rather, mumbled it.

Ahh first snow.

Since it's the first snowfall of the season, Ji Hyo made a wish.

Jong Kook and Bora were the first ones to arrive in the next location, while it was still snowing. The mission is to find 3 people to help them with the real mission which is to jump on the hula hoop one after another.

Because of Kwang Soo's interference, Gary suffered greatly..

While Jong Kook even slipped because of Kwang Soo's naughtiness.

Jong Kook was enraged because of the embarrassment Kwang Soo caused.

Gary suffered again from Kwang Soo's trick, this time, it seemed to really hurt a lot.

Ji Hyo avenged Gary for it.

Here we see Gary trying to mend the pain by himself. Haha!

Finally, Jong Kook-Bora team won first.

They were the first ones to arrive at the final location, but before they could enter, they must shoot one of their shoes into the basketball ring.

Jong Kook was able to shoot his shoe on his second try.

Kwang Soo-Seung Gi team arrived just after Jong Kook was able to shoot his shoe.

And Kwang Soo was able to shoot his shoe on his first try.

These two teams arrived together, and was given the final mission, which is to guess "The Number." The clue was to be found "on the missions that they did."

All of the other teams arrived, and did the shooting missions prior to entering the final location.

Each team had some time to think about the final number that they would enter on the door. The first one who could guess the number will be the winner.

Jong Kook-Bora team was the first one to guess the number, and here is Bora explaining how they got the number that they will input, which is by adding up the essential numbers from the missions that they did earlier.

Jong Kook was the first one to try it, and he got the number wrong, leading him to fall into a ball pit.

He was nervous because he's the first one to experience that and he really didn't know that it would happen.

This time, Bora tried another number..

But then she also fell down onto the pit.

Hye Jin-Jae Suk team was next, and they got the number the same way Jong Kook and Bora did, only they didn't add up the numbers.

Hye Jin tried it out first, but then she also fell. Jae Suk decided to think more about the number before going up, so that they would have a better chance at winning.

The next team to guess the number was Kwang Soo-Seung Gi, with Kwang Soo inputting the number that they came up with, which is 14358.

They got the chills when they figured out what the number was, supposedly.

The door lit up, signalling that their answer was the right one.

Lee Seung Gi and Lee Kwang Soo won the game!

The prize was 5 gold bars (with the R sign being the real gold) with the numbers 14358 embossed.

Seung Gi went ahead and explained how they got the number. It was from the first letters of the mission locations in the mission cards, and it said that "add 1" and so they just added 1 to 14357 and came up with 14358.

Seung Gi expressed his awe for Kwang Soo's "talent" and mentioned the words "at his/the last moments."

Which gave way for Jae Suk's pranks (which was so hilarious, I cried). He said, "This was your last? Owww." (appearance in Running Man)

And so everyone sang him a goodbye song..

Bora then asked whether there is an opening to become a regular Running Man member. Of course, this was all just a prank because Kwang Soo is the easiest one to bully, yet he won the game this time because of both of his and Seung Gi's efforts. It's giraffe's shining moment!

Next week's guests are Gong Yoo..

..and Park Hee Soon! They're out to promote their new movie, "The Suspect."

The preview showed many funny moments these two tough looking guys became a part in, in Running Man.

Let's watch out for this seemingly entertaining episode next week!

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