Bel Ami or Pretty Boy is a Korean drama series still airing in Korea and started airing last November. It is a drama series based from a manhwa (Korean comic book). This series stars Jang Geun Seuk, IU, and Han Chae Young.
Jang Geun Seuk plays Dokgo Ma Te, a playboy and a really beautiful man. So far, Jang Geun Seuk only played roles of this kind, a narcissistic man who is popular among women because of his pretty face. He fits the role well, since he is, well, pretty.
Alongside Jang Geun Seuk is IU, who plays the role Kim Bo Tong. Kim Bo Tong is a grown adult in her mid-twenties who still lives with her family and is unemployed. She's a family friend of Ma Te, and so they have an oppa-dongsaeng (older brother-younger sibling) relationship.
However, Kim Bo Tong is not only a family friend, but also an admirer of Ma Te. She likes Ma Te to the point that she'll do anything for him, and sees no other man more attractive than Ma Te.
Before finding out that Ma Te is the son of her (Bo Tong) mother's friend, Bo Tong met Ma Te on a bus, back when she was still in high school.
Ma Te looked so handsome that everyone in the bus were staring at him, including Bo Tong. Bo Tong immediately had a crush on him upon seeing him.
When Bo Tong went home, she then found out that Ma Te is the son of her mom's friend who just moved to their neighborhood. She was so happy and considered their meeting to be the fated. After that, Bo Tong remained loyal to Ma Te.
As I mentioned earlier, Ma Te is a playboy who wants to get rich. He easily does that by dating rich women.
Ma Te meets another girl who he suspects to be lurking around him for several years now. He confronts the lady and then finds out that she knows many things about him that even he didn't know about. That older lady is Hong Yoo Ra (played by Han Chae Young), an ex-wife of a rich man who comes from a chaebol (business conglomerate). Hong Yoo Ra needs Ma Te in executing her revenge against the family of his ex-husband.
After meeting Hong Yoo Ra, Ma Te rushes to the hospital with her because of his mom. Just after seeing Ma Te, his mom passed away and it was revealed that she was suffering from cancer for a while now. Hong Yoo Ra also got to meet with Ma Te's mom just after she died.
Another character, Choi David, will come out in the second episode, that's why I don't have a screenshot of him in this post. David will be Bo Tong's lover in the love triangle happening in this story..
That's it for the introduction, and I didn't mention something that's important to the plot of the story in this post, since (as always) I don't want to spoil anything. I have to admit that the story is not that great, and it really seems that it came from a manhwa. I like reading manga/manhwa, but these two, manhwa and drama series, have their own elements unique to them, and maybe that's why I'm not finding this drama series to be that recommendable. I will still keep on watching it though, because of curiosity, but I will not promise that I will keep on watching it until the end.
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