
Friday, April 19, 2013

Hairstyle Change.

Picture taken at Dubai Miracle Garden last March. Excuse the fake-happy face and look at the long hair. Imagine it staying for another month before I decided to cut it.

I've been planning to cut my hair since last February because I felt that I could use a change of "hair." Get it? air = hair. Whatever.. Anyways, I had this look on me ever since I had my hair digitally permed last April 2012 so could you imagine how my hair looked before I cut it? It was so dry and could barely breath if it was a person. Also, I've had that long hair since high school and never really got a hair cut (except for trimming, you know, for maintenance). So last weekend I decided to take a leap of faith (haha!) and change my hair. I've had like 2 folders containing photos of hair cuts and hair colors that I want and I finally decided the night before that I'm getting just my curls cut, a brown-brown hair color and red tips. I did not get my hair bleached though because I just wanted to try it out and avoid ruining my hair more because the perm really made my hair dry and my scalp couldn't anymore take the length of my hair. I am however planning to get my hair bleached once it's recovered.

It's time for before and after pics!

Before. Yes, it's a bathroom pic and it was my last day as an intern. Check out the dryness. Ugh.

After. Yes again, it's a bathroom pic at home. Bare faced and ready to sleep!

On the result:

I will rate my satisfaction from 1 to 10, 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest. Badummmm-tss! It is an 8! I did not expect much on the tips since I did not get it bleached but I am quite satisfied on the results seeing that it came out stronger than the brown base color. And well, the length is good since it's not that short and has volume. I gave it an 8 because it really isn't the what I imagined it to be (because, no bleach!) but I'll patiently wait until I get pissed-off of my hair again and I'll be ready for a hair bleaching by then~ 

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